Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Making Your Mission Impossible Possible: Occupy the Presidency, Congress, and the Banks

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies...The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

-- Thomas Jefferson

Last week, JPMorgan Chase reported losing $2 billion, which may go to $3 billion or more: a massive gamble reportedly on derivatives and credit default swaps, chief culprits in the 2008 world economic meltdown.

This week, news reports verify that Barack Obama has a private account with JPMorgan Chase between half a million to $1 million, according to his financial report. “This is a checking account used by the president and the first lady,” White House spokeswoman Amy Brundage told the press. "It is the equivalent of an interest-bearing checking account available at many other financial institutions.”

This week also, Obama calls JPMorgan Chase “one of the best managed banks there is.”

If Obama is accurate, and that’s the best managing a mammoth bank can do, then this is clear: the giant banks are not too big to fail. They are too big to remain. They are too big to be regulated. They need to be broken up.

Will that happen?

Not the way things are going. Last week, look what Reuters reported:

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday approved applications by three big Chinese government-controlled banks to set up branches and take stakes in U.S. banks after deciding they were adequately regulated in their home market.

Bank regulation, already in chaos, is about to fall even more at the mercy of the multinational corporate onslaught.

A majority of Congress consists of millionaires. From the latest report, Obama appears to be a millionaire, or close to it.

Knowing the above facts, do you really expect Congress and the president to legally change or regulate the banking system?
Nope. They’re obviously in government for the money.

YOU THE PEOPLE must create a major power shift.

You are going to have to toss out the president and Congress and elect fresh blood, courageous officials who aren’t a part of the insidious military-industrial complex, who will break it up and return America to a true democracy.  

You can start by demanding that Congress get rid of the bank holding companies, and separate the banks from their gambling racket they call “investment.” JPMorgan Chase is at the top of these bank holding companies.

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission cited among the chief reasons for the 2008 meltdown “excessive borrowing, risky investments, and lack of transparency.” Its report specifically blamed trading in over-the-counter derivatives and credit default swaps, along with complex bundling of home mortgages.

In 2012, nothing has changed. Nor will it change, unless YOU change it.

That doesn’t mean voting for Mitt Romney, who is just another millionaire Wall Street crony.

It will mean voting for an alternative for president, and someone outside the ruling Democratic and Republican parties’ millionaires, someone who doesn't cozy to the military-banking-industrial elite.

Do you have the knowledge and courage to do that? Are you willing to get organized, get educated, and get active and take this country back? If not, then, as Edward R. Murrow used to say, “Goodnight, and good luck.”

But if you are, then you have the choice of voting for the smaller, alternative parties the major media won’t tell you about. Or you’ll have to organize an aggressive write-in campaign, perhaps for a nationally known alternative like Ron Paul, a maverick millionaire libertarian and a vocal opponent of the Federal Reserve, the banking system, and the military-industrial complex’s dedication to aggressive war. Surely others like him exist out there, who aren’t even millionaires.

Knowing how dishonest power in national politics works, the odds are against you.

But if Jefferson were here today, he would tell you about how beating impossible odds formed the United States of America. How an oppressed people, deprived of rights and fed up with dictatorship and repression by a military policing force, moved, and kept moving with faith and action. They overcame such a superior foe, against such insane odds, that Las Vegas today wouldn’t even risk putting them on the board.

But the American people did it. And you can do it, too. But you’ll have to quit being afraid. You’ll have to get real, get humble, and unite. Educate yourself to your choices. Then, as the young today love to say: BRING IT!

Financal Crisis Inquiry Commission Report:

1 comment:

  1. I think it is interesting that no one has come forward to claim they made the $2 Billion that JP lost. It has to show up in somebody's balance sheet? Also who acted as the bookie?
